Welcome to the Blog!
A behind the scenes look at what I am working on and thinking about.
My First Fabric Collection: Creating the Work
My First Fabric Collection: Developing a Workflow & Accountability
My First Fabric Collection: Gathering Inspiration
My First Fabric Collection: Why Immersion in 2024?
Creating Art from Reference Photos
This year I have been painting almost exclusively from reference photos. One reason I like to paint from reference photos is because I am not very comfortable winging it.
3 Female Entrepreneurs Inspiring Me
While sharing my art has been a big focus for me, I am also doing a lot of things behind the scenes, such as reading, listening to podcasts and attending free live workshops and webinars.
3 Ways to Transfer a Sketch to Watercolor Paper
Once I have an outline and plan that I am happy with, I will use one of the three methods below to transfer that image to my watercolor paper. You can even snag a free mushroom outline to try out any of these methods at the end of this post.
Realistic Watercolor Paintings: Grandpa’s Painting Tin
Painting realistically requires patience more than anything. When you compare the painting to the actual object, you most likely will notice the differences relatively quickly, but my goal is that you do a little bit of a double take.
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