Welcome to the Blog!
A behind the scenes look at what I am working on and thinking about.
Summer Vibes Finale
Some good things must come to an end. Here are the last paintings for this year’s Summer Vibes project.
A Special Car Portrait | Stanley Mt. Wagon
Early automobiles may not be as sophisticated as our modern vehicles, but aesthetically they are complex.
Making Time for Side Projects
Taking a break and trying something different to reinvigorate your creative practice.
Summer Vibes August Update
Where July felt like a rollercoaster of life, August has been blessedly calm by comparison. It has been nice to refocus on my painting and some needed R&R.
Painting Inspiration | Crater Lake | Colorado
Many of my creative ideas come when I am hiking and outdoors generally.
Summer Vibes July Update
Despite life ramping up in terms of summer camp craziness, parents visiting, and generally being pulled in a million directions, I still managed to paint, and the encouragement from my community has been a lifesaver.
Steps to Paint a House Portrait
My most recent house portrait project was for a friend who wanted to give a house portrait of his childhood home to his parents. Here are the steps I take to complete a house portrait.
Painting Large (for me)
I had this reference picture, but my normal size paintings just didn’t seem like the right fit. The subject matter just felt like it needed to be large.
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